Friday, September 24, 2010


Answer the following questions on your personal ADMT Blog.
Name the title of the blog: Reflection - Prototype.
Copy and paste the link of your post in the comment below.

1. What are the difficulties that you have encountered during the process?
2. How do you overcome the difficulties encountered?
3. What are the 2 key takeaways for this lesson?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

T4Wk1 - Coursework Deadlines


Name the file:
Index no._Name_Journal

The Journal should include relevant research, observations and product ideas that you have captured in this project, and your evaluation of them. This should be concluded with how your product is supposed to resolve the problem that you are tackling, and your finalised product idea. It should preferably be done in Pages
and should be able to explain sufficiently the processes involved in coming out with the final product.

Deadline for first submission of journal: 20th Sept 2010

Multi-media Presentation

The plan for the multimedia presentation should be done in the form of storyboarding or in pages format. Name the file: Index no._Name_MMPlan and submit the work into the submit folder by 23rd Sept 2010.

The deadline for the completed multi-media presentation is on the 8th Oct 2010 (Term 4 Wk 4). You are to name your file: Index No._Name_MM_Product name. Submit your work into the ADMT submit folder. Marks would be deducted for late submission.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Model and Journal Rubrics

Please refer to Model and Journal Rubrics below.

Deadline: Term 4 Week 3.

Click on the following if you are not able to view the rubrics.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Multi - Media Presentation Rubrics

Please refer to the multimedia presentation rubrics. You are to start preparing for the multi - media presentation during the 1 week Sept Holidays. Take note that the presentation should be self run with the necessary recording , music, animation or any other forms of suitable medium. The purpose of the multi media presentation is to convince the audience of the need of the product, the situations in which the product is designed to be used, most importantly how is the product being used in the situation/various situations. It is up to your creativity how you want to present your work. Keep the duration of your work between 1-3 minutes.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

ADMT Presentation

The first 10 students in the class register are to be prepared for presentation on the 27th August 2010, Friday. Please refer to the following for the assessment rubrics for presentation. Take note of the marks weightage.

ADMT Sketching Test - First Angle Orthographic Projection

First Angle Orthographic Projection test would be next Tuesday, 24th August. It would be similar to the trial test that you had this week.

Date: 24th August 2010
Time: 8am (During ADMT lesson)

Things to bring
MacBook fully charged/enough to last for at least 20mins.
Mechanical Pencil, Ruler and Eraser.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Reminder: Anthropometry


Following the discussion that we had last Friday, 30th July 2010 on Anthropometry, please be reminded to post the discussions on the group blog (Group leader, please ensure that note takers in your group have posted the group work).

Title of post: Anthropometry

Copy and paste the link at the comment below after you have posted.

Anthropometry (workstation example)


Anthropometry (Notes)


Friday, July 30, 2010

Orthographic projection homework (clarification)

For Question 2, the base dimension is 50mm by 50mm. Thank you Serene for asking.

T3Wk5 Ergonomics and Anthropometry (The Elderly Challenge)

After what have been discussed in class about Ergonomics and Anthropometry,
look at the Elderly Challenge Project that you are working on.

Ask yourself the following questions:

1) Who are you designing for? Give a brief description of the target group.
2) What is the product that you are designing?
3) What are the design considerations when designing products for the elderly?

Use the Step 1 -4 guide for Anthropometry to help you in your design.

Step 1: Decide who you are designing for
Step 2: Decide which body measurements are relevant
Step 3: Decide whether you are designing for the extreme or the average
Step 4: Think about other human factors.

How to submit:
i) Rename the file: Index number_Name_Erg&Anthropometry (Initially filename should be Index number_Name_Guiding questions)
ii) Submit the file to the submit folder by 4th Aug 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Practice (Google SketchUp)

Sketch the following in proportion using google sketchup within the shortest time.

How to submit:
1) Name the file: index no_Name_Sketch01, index no_Name_Sketch02, etc.
2) Submit into the submit folder.

HURRY! Prizes to be awarded on Wednesday! Only 3 prizes to be awarded.

T3WK4 - Ergonomics (Product Description and Idea Trigger)

1) Take a picture of the product.

2) Post the picture and answer the questions as follows.

i) Describe the product. (Appearance, Color, Function, etc)

ii) What are the design considerations when designing this product?

iii) Would an elderly faced difficulty using this product? If yes, what are the difficulties that the elderly would face?

iv) What do you think can be done to improve on the design of the product to suit the elderly? (Sketch the improved design in your sketchbook and take a picture of it. Post the improved sketch at the end of your post.)

3) Once you have completed, comment on other student's post.

How to submit:
1) Name your title: Ergonomics (Product description and Idea Trigger)
2) Copy and paste your link in the comment below.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

T3WK3- Ergonomics II

Answer the following questions.
1. What is Ergonomics?
2. What are the 5 aspects of Ergonomics?
3. For each aspects of Ergonomics, explain with an example of a product that is designed for the elderly, how the product meet that particular aspect of Ergonomics.

How to submit:
1. Submit your answers in your Personal ADMT blog.
2. Name your post: Ergonomics II
3. Copy and paste the url in the comment below.

19th July 2010

T3WK3 - Ergonomics I

The above shows 2 different setup of a workplace.
1. Compare the 2 different workplaces, state your observations.
2. Which workplace is preferred? State with reasons why one workplace is preferred over the other.
3. What are the considerations that should be taken into account when designing a workplace that is suitable for the user?
4. Why do you think that Ergonomics is important when designing?

How to submit:
1. Submit your answers in your Personal ADMT blog.
2. Name your post: Ergonomics I
3. Copy and paste the url in the comment below.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Holiday work - Part 3: Tools to be learnt in Semester 2

There are primarily 2 key software tools that you would be learning in Semester 2, namely:
  • Phun
  • Google SketchUp
Please do try to self-learn the basics of the 2 software tools above. For Phun, there are tutorials already done up on their website. Please do have a look at them. You might also be able to pick up some completed examples from YouTube. For SketchUp, there are even more resources available for you. You might want to try to download some free video podcasts from your iTunes, or watch some tutorial videoclips from the SketchUp website, or to look at other tutorials done by other users on YouTube...the choice is really yours.

Please do up a simple room or layout space that shows how you would consider planning to furnish a room so that they are more elderly-friendly. Do explain your submissions with some texts to explain. Submission deadline for this is on the 21st June 2010. Please name your files as follows:

(e.g. SST_ADMT_ElderlyChallenge_S104_07_TanAhKow.skp)

Holiday work - Part 2: Deepening your learning experiences

As part of your research into understanding the elderly, you are tasked to also take video clips, photographs, or any other forms of recordable media to show how the elderly cope with their daily routines. These could include, but not necessarily limited to, every day activities such as: cooking a simple meal, pouring water from a flask, going to the market to buy groceries, going down the stairs, exercising, etc.

As a follow up, each one of you would do a podcast or a writeup of your observations and interviews with the elderly, caretaker, nurses or anyone who work with the elderly. Find out from them what are the problems that the elderly faces. Look for opportunities to observe and interview them such as at the senior citizens corners, void decks, hawker centers, etc.

Note that you are highly encouraged to select a range of elderly folks to observe so as to give you a broader perspective of them.

You are to post your work on your personal ADMT blog every Wednesday of the week during the June holidays. (2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd June 2010). Name your post: Elderly Challenge - Observation 1, Elderly Challenge - Observation 2, etc. You are also tasked to go to other students’ personal ADMT Blog to comment on their posts.

Holiday work - Part 1: Understanding the ‘The Elderly Challenge’

For your ADMT individual coursework in Semester 2 on the topic of ‘The Elderly Challenge’, you would be tasked to get a better understanding of the local context of the situation/challenge. A reading on the report done by the 'Committee on Ageing Issues (CAI)' is compulsory for you. The link to the report is here:

The following are guiding questions that may enable you to understand the report better. Please answer them in your own ADMT blogs, and post their links into the ‘Comments’ section of this post. You are to complete this by the 19th June 2010.
  • Explain in your own words, the FOUR key recommendations of the report.
  • State ONE way that the CAI report is recommending to make our public housing more elderly-friendly
  • State TWO ways on how we can ensure that the quality of elderly care here in Singapore is affordable
  • After reading the CAI report, what do you are the THREE things that you can do, as an SST student, to help overcome these elderly challenges

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Animation - Story Creation (7th April 2010)

Each student is to come up with 3 stories.
Bring the hardcopy of the stories for discussion during the next lesson, 8th April 2010.

Some things that you might want to take note of are:

* Use the research information that you and your group have collated earlier in Term 1 to come out with some initial story ideas/seeds
* Do be mindful of your 5W+1H's (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How). For eg, who is your target audience, what is the message that you want to deliver, when would be an appropriate time for your clip to be shown, why do you think your clip would be most effective, etc
* The 4 key structures of a story, as mentioned in the last session on creating a story:
o PREMISE: (5W+1H, Protagonists, Antagonists, Goals)
o CONFLICT: Goals, Opposing Attributes, the Antagonists (Others, Self, the surrounding Environment)
o Crisis: Height of Conflict, Important Decision
o Climax: Resolution of Conflict, Achievement of Goals

Monday, March 29, 2010

Animation Lesson 2

Please export your animation as quicktime.

Submitting your work...

1. Upload the file onto your ADMT group blog that you created earlier. Give the title in your post: Animation Lesson 2 - Bouncing Ball
2. Copy and paste the hyperlink of this particular post to the Comments section in this post.

Deadline: 29th Mar 2010, 9pm.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Animation Software

Please be advised that the software that we are going to use is here: Please copy and paste the link to download. Its a zip file.

Please download prior to your next admt lesson.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

LEAP Week - NEWater Visit

After your visit to the NEWater plant, please do follow up with your own reflection. You can use the following questions to guide your reflection:

1. What are the 3 key takeaways from today’s visit?

2. Name 2 concepts that you have learnt today during the visit.

3. What is the 1 interesting thing that you have learnt today?

4. What are the things that you can do to help with water conservation in Singapore?

Submitting your work...

1. Post your response in the personal ADMT blog that you created earlier. Give the title in your post: Personal Reflection (NEwater visit)
2. Copy and paste the hyperlink of this particular post to the Comments section in this post.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Individual Reflection (9th Mar 2010)

1. What are the 3 key takeaways from today’s lesson?

2. Name 2 concepts that you have learnt today pertaining to design and describe why is it important in design?

3. What is the 1 interesting thing that you have learnt today?

Submitting your work...

1. Post your response in the personal ADMT blog that you created earlier. Give the title in your post: Personal Reflection (8th Mar 2010)
2. Copy and paste the hyperlink of this particular post to the Comments section in this post.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Classwork (Research on materials and sustainability)

In your environment group, research on materials and sustainability.

Use the following questions as your guide

1. What are the different types of materials in the market? Classify the materials into wood, metal, plastics and others.

2. What are the properties of the different materials?

3. How do the different materials come about? What are their compositions?

4. Give examples of the use of each material.

5. What is sustainability?

7. What does it mean when we say that a product is sustainable? Give an example of a sustainable product and explain why the product is sustainably.

8. What does it mean by a sustainable environment? Give an example of a sustainable environment.

Note: Make sure that you cite the source of the information.

At the end of the lesson, post your group findings on the group's admt blog.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Homework (18th Feb 2010) Reminder

1) Journal on the theme - environment (At least 7 pages) - Group Work
- Definition
- Mindmap
- Questions
- Research and findings
- Identify the need using PIES
- Existing ways of solving the problem (Tabulated, good and bad points of existing solutions.
Deadline: 25th Feb 2010

Please email your work to Ms Seah's SST email account.

2) ADMT Test 1
Please be reminded to ask your parents to sign next to the mark on the test paper.
Bring a black ring file for filing on the 23rd Feb 2010.

3) Photo comment
Please view the personal admt blog of at least 5 students of the class. Comment on the photos posted. Take note of the technical aspects of the photo. Comment on the good and bad of each photos and suggest ways of improving the photo taken.
Deadline: 19th Feb 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

ADMT writeup - environment - air pollution and cars S104 resend

Miss Seah,
I forgot to attach the file in the previous email. Here is the writeup for cars and air pollution our group, ADMTnothing, did. Group members : Roy Chua, Arthur Lee, Ilya Haider and Ho JunHui.

ADMT writeup - environment - air pollution and cars S104

Miss Seah,
Here is the writeup for cars and air pollution our group, ADMTnothing, did. Group members : Roy Chua, Arthur Lee, Ilya Haider and Ho JunHui.
Arthur Lee

Friday, February 12, 2010

Photography (People)

Please upload 3-5 photos onto your personal ADMT blog.
Give a short write up on the photos taken.
Your photos should tell a story.

Please copy and paste the url under the comments section once you have uploaded the photos.
Make sure that you written your name on the comments.

You may refer to the following website for reference,

Homework (12th Feb 2010) Reminder

1) Group Discussion on the theme - Environment. Please e mail to Ms Seah's SST email account.
Deadline: 17th Feb 2010

2) Group post on SCAMPER. For groups that have not done so.

3) Individual post on Photography on People.
Deadline: 13th Feb 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Photography (Research and Findings) - Individual Work (Reminder)

Please consolidate the following and post it in your ADMT personal blog.

1) Different types of photography
2) Equipments
3) Aperture
4) Focus
5) Shutter Speed
6) ISO speed
7) Metering
8) White Balance
9) Composition (Rules)
10) Techniques

Title of post: Photography
Copy and paste the url of your post at the comment section of this post.
Make sure that you end off the comments with your name.
Please be reminded to bring your camera for the lesson on Thursday, 11 Feb 2010.

Deadline: Thursday, 11 Feb 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Yahoo! Toolbar is now powered with Search Assist. Download it now!

theme environment(air pollution)

Miss seah,
Here is our air pollution and cars write up. ADMTnothing, Arthur, Junhui,Roy and Ilya.

Monday, February 1, 2010

More sketching practice (Isometric)

Sketch the following images onto your sketchbook.

Deadline: Thursday, 4th Feb 2010

Please be reminded to bring your sketchbook to class on the 4th Feb 2010.

Friday, January 29, 2010

PIES project admts104 (Low Wei Kang)

Lesson on PIES (29 Jan 2010)


PIES Analysis of 3 products - Television, playstation portable and mobile phones.

i) You are to present your work in a table form and on a piece of A4 plain paper (Landscape).
ii) Make that that you have written your name and class at the top left hand corner of the paper.
iii) email to Ms Seah's SST email account
In your e mail, please add in the following
Title: S104 - PIES Analysis (Name)

Deadline: 2nd Feb 2010

Group work
Post the following on the group blog.

1) The group discussion on the need of a stroller.

2) The PIES Analysis of the following situations
a) Waiting for a bus at a bus stop.
b) Waiting for a train at a railway station.
c) Waiting for a plane at an airport.

Deadline: 29th Jan 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cars and air pollution S104

Ms seah,
                Here is the url for the mind map our group did.  URL : It was done by ADMTnothing; Arthur Lee, Ilya Haider,Ho Jun Hui and Roy Chua.


environmental problems

acid rain, air pollution, global warming,hazardous waste, ozone depletion, smog,water pollution, overpopulation, and rain forest destruction.

New Email addresses available on Yahoo!
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
Hurry before someone else does!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Perspective Drawing

Click on the following and practice the sketches in your sketch book.
Follow the steps in your sketch.

You are allowed to use mechanical pencil and ruler in this exercise.

One point perspective
Two point perspective
Draw a 3D pyramid

For students who are faster, here's the challenge!
Draw a Brick Wall in Perspective

Your sketchbook is to be submitted at the end of the lesson. There should be at least 3 sketches at the end of the lesson.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

ADMT Lesson 1 Environment - Zhang Yifan

People are producing too much waste! Plastic bags, bones Co2, carbon-monoxide and other greenhouse gases, these are ingredients to erths destruction! while cars can be made eco-friendly, humans don't we still breathe out Co2 at the same rate....planting trees that collect Co2 can solve the problem of Co2 emmisions, but are we willing to do it? Recycling is another option, however, all these eco-friendly options are always crossed out in people's to do list-reusing, reducing, no littering, reduce carbon emmisions and etc. but the ones ticked in most people's list are very simple ones like littering, producing more Co2 and etc. I was thinking of using magnetic motor cars, though prone to breaking, alternate magnets like those made out of steel can be used, or those deep under the sea, which are very durable.

Adding more friends is quick and easy.
Import them over to Yahoo! Mail today!

Sketching Homework - Shapes

Sketch the 3 basic shapes, square, triangles, circle on a new page of your sketchbook. Expand the 3 basic shapes into cube, cubiod, prisms, sphere, etc.

Bring your sketchbook to class on
Tuesday, 26th Jan 2010.

Following up actions after today's presentation (21st Jan 2010)

Please add in details to your group's presentation slides based on the questions that are being asked in class today.

Email to Ms Seah's email account.

In your email,
1) State the subject: ADMT Environment (Water pollution/Pollution/Global warming/... - add in the relevant title)
2) End off the email stating the names of the group members.

Deadline 28th Jan 2010, 7pm.

Analysis of a need, problem or challenge (Group Discussion)

1. Identify a need, problem or challenge based on the mind map that have been created earlier.
2. Analyze the situation using the following questions as a guide.
a) What is the root cause of the problem?/Why is there a need to solve the problem?
b) What has been done to solve the problem?

The group is to formulate relevant questions when analyzing the situation.
This allows the group to be focus in their analysis and research.
Use 5W1H as a guide. What, Where, When, Who, Why and How.

You are to present your group proposal on the 21st Jan 2010 during ADMT lesson.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Difference between Pespective, Isometric, Oblique and Orthographic Drawing (Individual)

You are to post your findings on the difference between Perspective, Isometric, Oblique and Orthographic Drawing. State with illustration the difference between the 4 types of drawing. Remember to acknowledge the source or your findings.

Submitting your work...

1. Post on the blog that you have created earlier. Blog name: ADMT-Environment.
2. Give the title in your post : Difference between Perspective, Isometric, Oblique and Orthographic Drawing.
3. Copy and paste the hyperlink of this particular post to the Comments section in this post.

Deadline: 22nd Jan 2010

Different types of drawing (Group Discussion)

You are to submit your group discussion on the following.

1. What are the different types of drawing?
2. Describe the different types of drawing?
3. The purpose/reasons for the different types of drawing.

You may summarise the group's findings using a mind map.

Submitting your work...

1. Post on the group blog that you have created earlier.
2. If you have used keynote or Mind42, please export your presentation or mind map as a jpg. file before uploading.
3. Give the title in your post: Different types of drawing.
4. Copy and paste the hyperlink of this particular post to the Comments section in this post.

Deadline: 20th Jan 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

ADMT Lesson 1 Lai Wen Xuan Jeremy

  Will human beings selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?

  Yes, they will. We are encouraged to use public transport to reduce fuel emissions, but many people still
use private transport as it is more convenient. Then, many other people are also wasting electricity and
producing more greenhouse gases.

    What can we do to save the Earth?

  If we want to save the Earth, we have to start by conserving energy and not wasting it. For example, we should not switch on the lights if we are going into a place for only a short while or switch on the fan instead of the air-conditioner.
We should also make use of the 3 Rs- Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. We should reuse water used for washing food
for watering plants or washing the floors. We can reduce by using less fossil fuels by taking public transport, and
recycle by using unwanted items and make them into new ones that are useful.

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Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?
Yes.If humans continue their foolish ways to pollute the world, soon we will be extinct. Humans are constantly emitting CO2 and thus heating up the world and as most of the adults use their own cars or vehicles because it is more time-efficient and more convenient.But at the same time, the carbon monoxide produced will contribute to the heat trapped in the atmosphere by the "Greenhouse effect" thus this will will cause the currently melting glaciers to melt even more rapidly. Soon, low ground places will be flooded as the world's water level will rise by 2.5%. 

What we can we do to save the Earth?

We can use public transportation  eg.(MRTs and public buses) instead of our own personal vehicles so the carbon monoxide produced will be reduced.We can also use another alternative source of fuel for vehicles which is compressed natural gas(CNG) as it produces lesser carbon monoxide.

Windows 7: Find the right PC for you. Learn more.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

ADMT Lesson 1 Environment - Isaac Kua

Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?

Yes, most of the adults use their own cars or vehicles because it is faster and more convenient. At the same time, the carbon mono oxide produced will contribute to the heat trapped in the atmosphere by the "greenhouse effect", this will will cause the already melting glaciers to melt even more rapidly. Soon, living areas near the sea will be flooded along with other low-lying living areas. Slowly, even small islands like Singapore might be wiped off the face of the map.

What we can we do to save the Earth?

We can use public transport instead of our own personal vehicles so the carbon mono oxide produced will be reduced. We should not waste paper unnecessarily. We should also reduce our use of electricity such as using the fans instead of the air-conditioners, using energy-saving light bulbs and switching them off when not in use.

Importing contacts has never been easier..
Bring your friends over to Yahoo! Mail today!

ADMT Lesson 1 Environment - Matthew Wong

Will humans selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?
Yes.  if we continue incinerating waste and burning fuels, we will produce lots of carbon dioxide which traps heat causing the ice caps to melt and flood low lying areas.

What can we do to save the Earth?
We can reuse, reduce and recycle instead of throwing our rubbish away and we can use less fuel and electricity.

Environment- Wei Kang

Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?

Yes, if we continue to pollute the environment. The Earth will "die". As we burn fossil fuel, carbon dioxide is released into the air and will thicken the atmosphere, causing global warming, leading to the melting of the ice caps, flooding and finally the destruction of man kind and the Earth we know of.
What we can we do to save the Earth? 
We can create electricity using more eco-friendly methods, such as turbines and tidal.We can also follow closely to the three R's- reuse, recycle, reduce.  

ADMT Lesson1 Environment-Roy Chua

If humans continue to waste paper, people have to cut down more oxygen producing trees. If there are not enough trees to produce oxygen, living things around the world will slowly use up the oxygen and everything on Earth will die because of lack of oxygen. We have to save the Earth by conserving our resources and not wasting them. We can conserve electricity so people would not burn fossil fuels to generate electricity by switching off the lights when we are not in a room and we can not waste paper so trees would not be cut down by using both sides of paper instead of using just one side to reduce the amount of paper we use.

ADMT Lesson 1 Environment- Hakeem

Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?

It will, eventually. Mankind has been emitting harmful gasses through factories, vehicles, the burning of rubbish and so on.

 Human beings also cut down forests for paper which means we have more paper but we compromise on the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Plats take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. In the end we will be left with no more forests unless necessary actions are taken. If we have no more trees, we will have less oxygen to breathe and we will die. There will be more carbon dioxide in the air so more heat will be trapped and Earth will get warmer and warmer. Polar ice caps will melt faster and low lying islands will be flooded and sink. Also, when we cut down trees, we expose the soil that it holds and this results in soil erosion, which means that no plant can grow on it.

When factories release harmful gasses and chemicals into the atmosphere, it dissolves into the water droplets and results in acid rain, which can destroy and damage buildings and structures.

Through vehicles, carbon dioxide is released and gathers in the atmosphere. This is a major hazard where there are many cars and people, for example, in China. People, especially, children and the elderly are vulnerable to the carbon dioxide and other harmful gasses which could lead to breathing problems and death. An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide means more heat is trapped and this results in global warming. Polar ice caps will melt faster and low lying islands will be flooded and sink.

What can we do to save the Earth?

We can reduce the amount of paper we use, in other words, save paper and recycle it, including cans, plastic bottles and so on. We could also reuse the water we use for cooking to wash the toilet or plants. We could also recycle paper plastic and cans so new ones need not be manufactured and  so we save our resources.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Define the Theme - Environment (Individual work)

You are to post the definition of the theme - Environment on your personal blog which you have created earlier. Please take note of the following:

1. The definition of the theme - Environment must be taken from the different sources.
2. You need to acknowledge the source - indicate the hyperlink.
3. The definition should not be only cut and paste. You are expected to highlight keywords in the definition and explained further by giving examples to show your understanding.
4. Towards the end, you are expected to summarize the definition and conclude with their own definition.

Submitting your work...
  1. Post on the blog that you have created earlier. Blog name: ADMT-Environment.
  2. You may post using a jpg. file exported from keynote. Give the title in your post: Definition of theme - Environment.
  3. Copy and paste the hyperlink of this particular post to the Comments section in this post.
Deadline: 20th Jan 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

ADMT Lesson 1 Environment - Norullayaley

Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?
    Yes. As we burn fossil fuels found buried deep within the earth, we are polluting the Earth with excess carbon dioxide and other deadly gasses. These gasses trap the heat from the sunlight inside the Earth's atmosphere, causing temperature to rise. If we continue to burn the fossil fuels and fill the atmosphere with these gasses, the Earth's temperature will rise at an alarming rate and the rising temperature will cause the ice at the North and South poles to melt. The water will then flood Earth's land and sooner or later, we will all be submerged underwater.

What we can we do to save the Earth?
    We have to conserve and manage the amount of electricity we use. Some ways do to this are by switching off any lights and fans when it is not needed or when we leave the room. Also switch off any electrical appliances when not in use and unplug it from the socket because even if the appliance is not switched on/being used, electricity will still flow through the wire.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

ADMT lesson 1 : Environment

Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?

Yes, their selfish acts like polluting the world and not recycling will bring it about. Polluting will cause global warming, which in turn will cause the melting of the ice at the north and south poles, resulting in a massive flood.

What we can we do to save the Earth?
We can start by doing the three R's: reduce, reuse, and recycle. We can also help reduce pollution and save energy by only using electricity when it is absolutely needed. We should be more considerate about the future generation, we should not let them clean up the mess we created.

Ho Jun Hui

p.s: Ms Seah, as i was really busy with my other homework and preparation for the ceremony on friday, it had slipped my mind that the dedline was 9pm. I am sorry. 

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ADMT lesson 1

Yes, well if human continue their foolish ways to pollute the world, soon we be extinct. Humans are constantly emitting CO2 and thus heating up the world. Thus causing the ice poles to melt and sea lever would then rise. Therefore, lower land countries like Singapore would soon disappear as the water level rises. Our fuel, which is also running out, would make us vulnerable as we would not be able to drive in a vehicle anymore and then the factories would also not be able to function anymore.

Well, saving energy have a lot of ways. We could use energy-saving light bulbs, our car can also replace our fuel to natural gases. We could also turn off applications if not in use. Reduce, reuse and recycle is also very important in helping us saving the Earth. We all must repent before it is too late and the consequence would be dire too.

P.s. Sorry teacher, I was busy doing other Homework too and thus i did not really pay much attention to the deadline's time.

Tshin Qi Ren

ADMT Lesson 1 Environment - Kimberly Ong

Human beings' selfish acts like dumping waste materials into water bodies and deforestation will all lead to global warming. If humans do not stop their doings right now, no sooner they will realize that Earth is no longer suitable environment they could live in. Temperature and water level of the Earth rose and she will be " died ".

We should plant more trees and stop deforestation. Using environment-friendly products, taking the public transport are also some ways to save the Earth. Always remember to Reuse, Recycle and Reduce.

ADMT lesson 1 Environment - Arthur Lee

ADMT lesson 1 Environment - Arthur Lee
Yes,it will bring about the Earth's doom if we keep going on like this. Man's selfish actions like using a lot of energy. This will cause us to burn more fossil fuels to  produce more energy, the carbon dioxide produced from the burning will cause the ozone layer to become thinner. This will in turn cause polar ice caps to melt and flood other countries or in other words - Global warming.    

We can conserve energy by using more energy - saving lightbulbs and energy - saving appliances and vehicles.We can also add a little change to our lifestyle by doing simple things like turning off the lights when we do not need them, switching off the fan when not in use. These little things can make a big difference if everyone does their part.
Reduce: It is to make the complete, full use of certain things we have, thereby using less of those things.
Reuse: It is to use things that are  able to be used again.
Recycle: It is to make used and unwanted things into more things that can be used again.
However these things are easier said than done. 

Ilya Haider

Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?

Yes. I feel that when we produce items in big factories or burn up fossil fuels, it will release lots of heat in the form of carbon dioxide and also methane which gets trapped in in the atmosphere. This will lead to global warming which will cause the polar ice caps to melt thus causing the sea level to rise and flood low-lying areas and eventually, the whole world.

What can we do to save the Earth?

We can Reduce, Reuse and Recycle to save the Earth's natural resources. We should also use environmentally friendly appliances and vehicles so less heat is trapped in the atmosphere.

Environment - Pasakorn Konwohrachet

Will humans beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?

Probably, yes. Since most people already claim that we are beyond the point of no return. Deforestation mostly contribute to this. Industrialization and urbanization also contribute. Hopefully, the Earth will stand until everyone evacuates to other planets?

What can we do to save the Earth?

Reforestation can help slow down Earth's doom. By conserving and not wasting precious material, we can help, bit by bit. 

New Windows 7: Simplify what you do everyday. Find the right PC for you.

ADMT Lesson 1 - Environment-Denise Lim

Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?
Yes, it would. If human being does not continue to take care and protect the world, the Earth will soon be destroyed due to the littering and dumping of waste in the water bodies, deforestation, and oil spills. Then there will be global warming and the Earth's "life span" will be shorter. 

What we can we do to save the Earth?
In order to save the Earth, we can conserve our natural resources as they all come from the environment, this enables us to save the materials and will therefore cut down the production of it.We can also help to reduce wastage and help to save the Earth by reducing, reusing, and recycling. But this can only be successful when everyone plays their roles because everyone has a part to play in protecting this Earth. Some of the examples are reusing plastic bags when purchasing items, reducing the amount of electricity used by switching off the lights when no one is in a room, and treating waste water into new water that is drinkable.

ADMT Lesson 1 Environment - Millie Thng

Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?
Yes it will. We human beings are chopping down forests and burning them down for our own use. When we do so, there would be less oxygen in the air for us to take in and more carbon dioxide in the air. Since carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, heat gets trapped in Earth. When there is more carbon dioxide in the air, more heat gets trapped. This will cause the polar ice cap to melt and causes a flood. We also litter. When a big amount of rubbish is burnt, we come back to the same point, more carbon dioxide is released into the air, heat gets trap so on and so forth.

What we can we do to save the Earth?
-plant more trees
-reduce the amount of litter used (reuse,reduce,recycle)
-stop burning or chopping down forests

ADMT Lesson 1 Environment - Serene Fong

Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?
Yes, it will bring about the Earth's doom. We are emitting carbon monoxide, CFCs and other harmful gases. We are also dumping waste materials into the ocean. This will lead to global warming and melting of ice in places such as Arctic so much so some countries such as Venice will be completely submerged underwater. Eventually, it the Earth will face its doom. 

What we can we do to save the Earth?
We can reduce, reuse and recycle. For example, we can recycle used plastic bags. Switch off electronic devices when not in use such as the Fan. We can also use energy saving bulbs to cut down on the amount of energy we use. Thus, cutting down on the amount of fossil fuels being burnt.

New Windows 7: Simplify what you do everyday. Find the right PC for you.

ADMT Lesson 1 Environment- Reuven Lim

Yes, human beings have been blamed as the cause of much of our natural environment's problems. The main problems that most people are concerned about today lies on the ground or the atmosphere. These are ozone depletion, global warming, deforestation and air pollution.
However, thanks to human intervention, ozone depleting CFCs have been phased out almost completely.
Of the other three problems, global warming is the most serious, and deforestation and air pollution are just some contributors to global warming. Human populations have long been set up around water sources, such as lakes or seas. These towns can quickly develop into big, bustling, overcrowded ports or habours. The problem that this brings is that as the earth warms, glaciers melt faster than they are formed, thus, sea levels rise, and as large populations live by the sea, they have to relocate as their homes get flooded.

Deforestation is happening as humans get more advanced technology and cut down too many trees than the trees can repopulate. There are also other causes, such s illegal logging, wildfires, and the slash-and-burn technique used by farmers to clear land. Trees are a huge carbon basin, as they capture more carbon dioxide (the most abundant greenhouse gas) than any other land plant. When they are burnt, they cannot capture carbon dioxide, and the carbon dioxide that they had captured would be released.

Air pollution is when gases prevent heat from radiating back into space. This heats up the earth, and these gases are called greenhouse gases. The most predominant of these gases is carbon dioxide (cO2). Even though other greenhouse gases trap more heat than cO2, cO2 is still more common. More greenhouse gases is produced when fossil fuels are burnt, which are the remains of ancient plants and animals.

Humans can still save themselves by the easiest ways. Invest in Green Technologies, such as renewable energy, and not waste energy. They can reuse, reduce, and recycle, take public transport, buy legally approved wood furniture, and not use too much plastic (comes from oils and hard to down).

ADMT Lesson 1 Environment - helene tan

Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?

yes i think that human being's selfish acts will bring about the Earth's doom as we are polluting the environment by throwing rubbish in the sea and burning fuels.

What we can we do to save the Earth?

we can save the earth by reducing, reusing and recycling. we should all use eco-friendly cars and recycle plastic bottles, paper and cans. We should save energy by switching off the lights when we leave the room and use energy saving bulbs. We can also use the fan instead of the air-conditioner.

ADMT Lesson 1 Environment - Fatin Zafirah

Will human beings' selfish acts bring about the Earth's doom?

Yes. When we burn fossil fuel,the carbon dioxide will go up to the atmosphere. That will cause unwanted heat to be trapped. Thus,it will warm up the Earth. Slowly the polar ice caps will melt and flood the whole world. 

What we can we do to save the Earth?

We can reuse,reduce and recycle. Firstly,we can use reusable grocery bags so we do not need to take plastic bags when at the supermarket. Second,we can reduce by using energy saving bulbs. Third,we can recycle our unwanted items such as plastic bottles and paper. 

Lesson 1 - Group Reflection

Create a group Blog and set permission to your group members.

Post the group discussion on the group blog and send your link to the comment below.

Indicate the following as the title of the 2 post
1) Define Art, Design, Media and Technology
2) Define the theme - Environment.

End off the post with the names of your group members.

Deadline: 13th Jan 2010

ADMT Lesson 1 - Environment

We live in a world where natural resources like air and water are being threatened by the onslaught of human activities. Pollution and industrialization have caused the depletion of Mother Nature’s reserves at an alarming rate.

Will human beings’ selfish acts bring about the Earth’s doom?

What we can we do to save the Earth?

Students may explore the following topics on this theme:
* Conservation
* Pollution (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
* Innovations for the Earth

Submitting your work:
  • You are going to submit your thoughts to the class blog via email.
  • You may include text, image(s) and/or videoclip(s).
  • Put your name as the title of the email so that we know who submitted the post. e.g. ADMT Lesson 1 Environment - your name
  • Send the email to
  • Your work will be posted to this admt class blog.
  • If you upload a video clip, it may take a while for it to be ready for viewing.
Deadline: 12th Jan 2010, 9pm

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Art, Design, Media and Technology (Personal Reflection)

1. What does ADMT means to you?
2. What are the attitude that an ADMT student should have?
3. What are you aspiration as an ADMT student?
4. How do you think you can achieve your aspiration?
5. Sketch how the world would look like without art, design, media and technology. Describe briefly your sketch. [Take a picture of your sketch and post it on your personal blog.

Submitting your work...
  1. Create a blog in your personal blog. Name it ADMT-Environment.
  2. Post your response in the blog that you created. Give the title in your post: ADMT Lesson 1: Personal Reflection
  3. Copy and paste the hyperlink of this particular post to the Comments section in this post.
Deadline: 13th Jan 2010