Thursday, February 18, 2010

Homework (18th Feb 2010) Reminder

1) Journal on the theme - environment (At least 7 pages) - Group Work
- Definition
- Mindmap
- Questions
- Research and findings
- Identify the need using PIES
- Existing ways of solving the problem (Tabulated, good and bad points of existing solutions.
Deadline: 25th Feb 2010

Please email your work to Ms Seah's SST email account.

2) ADMT Test 1
Please be reminded to ask your parents to sign next to the mark on the test paper.
Bring a black ring file for filing on the 23rd Feb 2010.

3) Photo comment
Please view the personal admt blog of at least 5 students of the class. Comment on the photos posted. Take note of the technical aspects of the photo. Comment on the good and bad of each photos and suggest ways of improving the photo taken.
Deadline: 19th Feb 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

ADMT writeup - environment - air pollution and cars S104 resend

Miss Seah,
I forgot to attach the file in the previous email. Here is the writeup for cars and air pollution our group, ADMTnothing, did. Group members : Roy Chua, Arthur Lee, Ilya Haider and Ho JunHui.

ADMT writeup - environment - air pollution and cars S104

Miss Seah,
Here is the writeup for cars and air pollution our group, ADMTnothing, did. Group members : Roy Chua, Arthur Lee, Ilya Haider and Ho JunHui.
Arthur Lee

Friday, February 12, 2010

Photography (People)

Please upload 3-5 photos onto your personal ADMT blog.
Give a short write up on the photos taken.
Your photos should tell a story.

Please copy and paste the url under the comments section once you have uploaded the photos.
Make sure that you written your name on the comments.

You may refer to the following website for reference,

Homework (12th Feb 2010) Reminder

1) Group Discussion on the theme - Environment. Please e mail to Ms Seah's SST email account.
Deadline: 17th Feb 2010

2) Group post on SCAMPER. For groups that have not done so.

3) Individual post on Photography on People.
Deadline: 13th Feb 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Photography (Research and Findings) - Individual Work (Reminder)

Please consolidate the following and post it in your ADMT personal blog.

1) Different types of photography
2) Equipments
3) Aperture
4) Focus
5) Shutter Speed
6) ISO speed
7) Metering
8) White Balance
9) Composition (Rules)
10) Techniques

Title of post: Photography
Copy and paste the url of your post at the comment section of this post.
Make sure that you end off the comments with your name.
Please be reminded to bring your camera for the lesson on Thursday, 11 Feb 2010.

Deadline: Thursday, 11 Feb 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


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theme environment(air pollution)

Miss seah,
Here is our air pollution and cars write up. ADMTnothing, Arthur, Junhui,Roy and Ilya.

Monday, February 1, 2010

More sketching practice (Isometric)

Sketch the following images onto your sketchbook.

Deadline: Thursday, 4th Feb 2010

Please be reminded to bring your sketchbook to class on the 4th Feb 2010.